About us
Frank Fuchs Consulting combines in his consulting business comprehensive professional knowledge with excellent legal expertise and analytical strength. The sections, in which the Company advises Customers, has been evolved from the biography of the founder.
In the late childhood an international Ski Federation has discovered the talent of Frank Fuchs and challenged him team up in the European Cup. Therefore, the owner of Frank Fuchs Consulting, knows the life as a professional sportsman and the work in an international association from his own life experience.
Like many other athletes too, the sports career then came unfortunately to an end due to an injury. The studies of Economics and Law, which was done during the sports career only as part-time, could now been taken up again and be completed under a full – time university study. Frank Fuchs made next to sports law the national and international inheritance law to his focus and received his doctorate with the dissertation and title “ Inheritance – international and national problems and lookouts “.
Since youngest childhood Frank Fuchs is fascinated from aviation. This passion comprises all aspects of aviation and the dream of obtaining his own pilot’s license shall, hopefully, be realized in the coming year.
Consequently Aviation Law was therefore the third focus during his studies at the University and Frank Fuchs has been a member of some legal advisory teams investigating some of the
biggest air crashes in the past.
Supported by his father, who worked as an international procurement and financial consultant, for various projects of the European Commission and the United Nations covering the Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bhutan, Frank Fuchs has experienced preparing Tender Dossiers according to the procurement guidelines of such institutions and knows therefore consequently this kind of procurement work from actual business.
International experience was gathered by Frank Fuchs during a number of assignments at the Republic of Ghana, where he was working as Head of Legal Department of a British – African Group and as an Expert for Africa.
Further activities were done at an office for Sports Law at the City of Zürich as well as in various other law offices, such as SMNG, MGR and Lovells. As well as studied swiss and sports-Law at the University of Zürich.

Verband der Luftfahrtsachverständigen e.V. ( VdL)